Explore, experiment, expand, express all share the word root of 'exp', that denotes an inside-out movement: going beyond one's comfort zone, reaching outside of our current mindset, and reaching into the depths of unknown people and places. That is exactly what we are: EXP. is a concept that unites individuals who independently come to support each of our interdependent transformations that builds towards a collective transformation.
The transformation is not sudden, but gradual. Not linear, but circular.

EXP.Press is our media outlet, where we bring together writers, artists, engineers, architects, musicians, film-makers, coaches, scientists, chefs – Creators – to tell the stories of our civilisation–its past and future– through architecture, cities, art and people.
Our mission is to dissolve borders: between disciplines, languages, genders, orientations, beliefs and nations, so we could elevate the human civilisation into one of sustainable peace.